The Find Window

Open the Find window, then enter a single search description for a simple search, or choose “More Choices” to perform a complex search.

To display the found items in a new Gallery window, rather than replacing the contents of the window with the found items, click “Display results in new gallery.



Criteria tab (Mac OS): Searches the items in the current Gallery only. Allows you to perform multiple


Catalogs tab (Mac OS): Searches the items in the current Gallery only. Allows you to perform multiple


Find in gallery: Searches the items in the current Gallery only. Allows you to perform multiple searches to narrow the field.


Saved Finds Pop-up: Specify and select search criteria for later use. See Saving Finds.


Search Field: Select the search criteria.


Search Options: Select an option to focus the search criteria.


Search Word or Phrase: Type a value to search for.


More Choices: Click "More Choices&ldots;" to display the expanded window. Up to five criteria fields can be used.


New Gallery: Click to display found items in a new Gallery window.


Search Multiple Catalogs: Click to extend the search to include catalogs selected on the Catalogs palette or Catalogs tab (Mac OS).


Find All: Click to find and display all items in the Catalog.


Find: Click to start the search.


And/Or: Select "and" to narrow the search; "or" to broaden it.

Notes: 1) Find searches both fields (Title and URL) of a URL Custom Field. 2) Portfolio searches for values in the Height and Width fields in pixels; convert other units of measure to pixels prior to entering values in these fields.